Records 1749-1994.


Records 1749-1994.

The records of the Office of the Secretary reflect the many duties and responsibilities of the Secretary both as an office of the Board of Trustees and as an official in the University administration. The original and primary duty of the Secretary, that of recording the minutes of the Board of Trustees, along with the other duties as record keeper; as a liaison to the many committees of the University which were formed to create and monitor policy; as a coordinator of meetings; as a disseminator of committee policies and decisions; and as representative of the Board of Trustees' interests are all well represented in this collection. There are minutes from 1749 to 1994. The bulk of the collection documents the actions of a wide variety of University committees spanning from 1933 to 1989. There are minutes, agendas, correspondence, and membership lists for several hundred committees. The selection and promotion of school officers, administrators, and educators are represented in this collection. Information on the University as a corporation as well as a community may be found readily throughout these records.

341 Cubic ft.

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